Settings > Hosts > Cloud
Hosts can be saved to and loaded from the cloud. MAMP PRO will save both your document root folder and database data. Your data for each individual host will be saved in a single zip file in your Dropbox. It is not necessary to install Dropbox software to use this feature, you only need a login to your Dropbox account through the MAMP PRO interface cloud settings.
If you have a data driven host, you must first associate the database with the host before you save it to the cloud. Associating a host with a database can be done on the Databases tab.
To expand and view your cloud host settings press the “Arrow” button on the bottom right of the hosts table. To view your cloud functions press the “cloud” button.
Hosts Table Cloud View
Old Data
You will receive a warning when your local data is older than your cloud data.
A “pencil” icon in your hosts table indicates your local data is older than your cloud data.
Displays information about the current download status of your host. The up arrow represents the latest “Save To” date, and the down arrow represents the latest “Load From” date.
Represents the size of your data stored in the cloud.
Cloud Functions
Save to cloud
When saving to the cloud, MAMP PRO archives the data from the hosts document root folder and data from the MySQL databases and tables mapped to the host into a single zip file and optionally encrypts it with your encryption key. The archive will be transferred to the cloud afterwords. When encryption is used your archive is saved with a .encryptedzip extension.
Load from cloud
Loading data from the cloud is the reverse process: After having loaded the archive, it will be decrypted if necessary, decompressed and the data will be copied to the hosts document root folder and imported back into MySQL.
Delete from cloud
Delete cloud data for a host.
Link to cloud
Connect to an existing host already in the cloud. To link to the cloud you must use the same host name as the host in the cloud. If you cannot remember the name of the host you want to link, then check your Dropbox. The name of the host is exactly the name of the zip file in your
~/Dropbox/Apps/MAMP PRO
folder. -
Unlink from cloud
If your host is currently linked to the clould you will see this option to unlink your host.
Resolve name change
You may change the name of your host that is linked to the cloud. When you change the name of your linked host, the new host name must be resolved on all other linked machines.
For instance, when you change a host name from “MyHost2” to “MyHost3”, your Dropbox will modify it’s stored zip file name from “” to “”. You will then receive the following warning on your other linked computers indicating your data is out of date.
You can now resolve the name difference.
Confirm the name change.
Desktop Functions
Save To Desktop
This function will save an archive to your desktop. This can help you view what will get transferred, before sending data to the cloud, or determine how much free space you will need in the cloud.
Load To Desktop
This function will save a decrypted and uncompressed archive to the desktop. This can be useful if you want to peek into the data that is currently stored in the clould for the selected host.